AutoXing Lost Robot Troubleshooting

AutoXing Robot Models: Lost Robot

Lost Robot Issues

If the robot is having one of the following issues...
  1. The robot is getting stuck in areas it normally would not. 
  2. The robot appears to be lost.
  3. The robot keeps saying to move out of its way, but there is nothing in its way. 
Try "relocating" the robot 1st by using the steps below. 

How to Relocate the Robot

1. Click the red button on the top right corner of the robot screen.

2. Click "Settings."

3. Type in "9999" for the password.

4. Go to "System Settings."

5. Click on "Manual Mode." Now the robot will be able to move freely. Push it back on the charging dock at this time. 

6. Once it is docked, use the above steps to return to the "System Settings" screen, if needed.
7. Return the robot to its original setting by clicking the "Auto Mode" button next the "Manual Mode" button. 
8. Locate the robot by clicking the "Locate" button. 

9. The robot should now know where it is and operate normally. Perform some test runs at this time. If the robot is still not functioning, a map update may be required. 

How to Update the Map 

1. Complete steps 1-5 above to get the robot back on the charging dock. 
2. Use those same steps to get back to the "System Settings" screen, if needed. 
3. Once there, click on "Update Map." 

4. Perform test runs at this time. If the robot is still not functioning correctly, reboot the robot by holding in the power button on the robot.
5. If a hard reboot does not fix the problem, put in a support ticket.
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