AutoXing Robot Management Website App

AutoXing Robot Models: Robot Management Website App

Robot Management "App" 

This robot "app" is not an app, but a website that can be added to the home screen of a cellphone for easy access. On this platform, customers can call the robot, send it on a task, send it to the charger, etc. All major settings are still adjusted on the robot and not remotely on the platform. 

**Note: The "app" is not recommended for companies who do frequent runs with the robot daily and have multiple users using the "app." It was designed for factories to call the robot across large buildings with only one user operating it. This "app" feature is an amenity that other businesses can use, but will often not use as it easier to operate their robots without it. Different versions for other use cases are in developement.**

Accessing the Website "App"

1. Go to this website link on a mobile device. Robot Management Website

2. Once there, click on the arrow at the bottom of the mobile device screen to add the website to the mobile device's home screen. (This process will vary for Android users.) 

3. Click on the plus arrow next to "Add to Home Screen." Type in what the page or "app" should be called on the mobile device's home screen. 

4. Sign in with the login that was created and sent to AutoXing. Account number is the account name that was used at sign up. It is case and space sensitive. 
**Note: Email and Account Name must have been sent to Prospera to give to AutoXing prior to this login so AutoXing can grant user access and tie the correct robot to that login. If AutoXing did not grant permission yet, this login will not work.**

Operating the Website "App"

1.  Once logged in, the Robot Management main page will come up with the buttons and functions pictured below. 

2. Before anything else is done, click on the "Me" button on the bottom righthand side. 

3. From here, click "System Settings." 

4. Once on this page, change the language setting from "Chinese" to "English." If this step is not completed when someone first logs into the platform from their phone, the robot will speak in Chinese when it is sent on a task. 

5. To send the robot on a task, click the "home" button to get back to the main page. Then click the "start" button. The page pictured below will pop up. Follow the steps and send the robot to any programmed destination. 

**Note: The time setting and return point must be set every time the robot is sent while using the app. They do not need to be set every time when operating just on the robot screen since they are programmed into the robot.**

6. To adjust robot settings or call the robot, click the "robot" tab at the bottom of the main page. It will bring up the page pictured below. 

7. Click on "setting" on the robot page to access the basics settings page pictured below. 

8. If further instructions on the website "app" need given, please schedule a training call with Prospera. 

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